[Salon] Are Netanyahu and the Freedom Caucus in League to Help Putin

Are Netanyahu and the Freedom Caucus in League to Help Putin
By Patrick Theros - January 12, 2024

A visitor from another planet could come to that conclusion. Israel’s war on Gaza has eclipsed coverage of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, drowning out Ukraine’s pleas for more material and financial aid it needs desperately to hold off a neighbor four times larger in population and military material. Scarier, should the war spread to engulf more of the Middle East, Russia would be the primary beneficiary. At the same time, the MAGA wing of the GOP, the self-styled ‘Freedom Caucus’ has worked assiduously to defund American weapon supplies to Ukraine.

Advanced American weaponry has helped Ukraine balance Russia’s enormous numerical advantage in manpower, artillery, and armor. Europe also contributes significantly to Ukraine’s defense but cannot replace the U.S. Its military industrial capacity downsized after the end of the Cold War and will take years to rebuild. MAGA has blocked legislation submitted by the Biden administration to support both Israel ($14 billion) and Ukraine ($60 billion). Israel can manage a temporary cut in the flow of aid from the U.S.; it has an enormous inventory of U.S. weapons granted it over the years as well as access to U.S. military equipment stored in Israel for future contingencies. Ukraine had to start the war from scratch; its forces were equipped almost entirely with older weapons left over from the Cold War. It lacks Israel’s cushion.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s survival depends on keeping the war going indefinitely (or perhaps until Donald Trump regains the White House). Massive demonstrations of unprecedented size were rocking Israeli cities as its people protested what they saw as Netanyahu’s ploy to transform Israel from a democracy to a theocratic regime more akin to the Iran of the Ayatollahs. Netanyahu then dug his hole deeper by refusing to acknowledge that he bore responsibility for the massive intelligence and military failures of October 7, blaming instead Israel’s military and intelligence services. The revelations that Netanyahu had funded Hamas to undermine the Palestinian Authority have further damned him in the eyes of almost all Israelis. Netanyahu is toast as soon as the guns fall silent.

The U.S. government is no longer worried about Hezbollah in Lebanon launching an attack against Israel; the fear now is that Netanyahu will attack Lebanon to keep the war going. At the start of the crisis the U.S. deployed the aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford strike group to the Eastern Mediterranean to deter Hezbollah from attacking Israel. Now the press reports the USS Gerald Ford will return home. This is a subtle but unmistakable signal to Netanyahu; if he attacks Lebanon, he should not expect American support. Hezbollah is a far more formidable foe than Hamas, and Israel would suffer badly without American firepower. Nevertheless, Israeli forces have continued missile and artillery attacks on Lebanon, killing more than a hundred Lebanese, including journalists; even using white phosphorus, a restricted weapon, against civilian targets. Most worryingly, Israel assassinated an important Hamas official residing in downtown Beirut under Hezbollah protection. Although Hezbollah has returned fire, it has done so with great care to avoid causing civilian casualties while its leadership has repeatedly stated it will not join the war unless Israel attacks. President Biden has once again sent Secretary of State Blinken to the region, trying to keep the lid on further expansion as Netanyahu ignores repeated messages to calm things down in Lebanon.

The Gaza war has already spread to another part of the region. Houthi rebels who control much of Yemen have attacked ships in the Red Sea that they claim are heading for Israel. The Houthis are more a nuisance than a threat. Half a dozen U.S. and NATO warships can easily intercept almost anything the Houthis can throw at them. However, the same American neoconservative hawks who brought us the invasion of Iraq are delighted at a chance to start another war; they advocate attacking Houthi launching sites. The Houthis have proven sophisticated and adept, and we will not be able to prevent them from firing missiles. Frustrated, the hawks will likely demand we attack Houthi command centers, troop concentrations, and, of course, the mosques and hospitals that always seem to be collateral damage. The next victim of an American intervention in Yemen would then be Saudi Arabia, which is trying to extricate itself from its seven-year war in Yemen. The big prize for Netanyahu, his ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card, would be to embroil the United States in a shooting war with Iran, a goal he has pursued for years. This would be a gift of unimaginable value to Vladimir Putin. Fighting in the Persian Gulf would disrupt the flow of about a third of the oil and natural gas that the world consumes. Qui Bono? Russia, a major oil and gas exporter that would be delighted to fill the shortfall.

Meanwhile the Freedom Caucus has let military aid bills for both Ukraine and Israel languish to make points on unrelated issues, threatening to weaken Ukraine as it defends itself against Russian attacks. This action harms Ukraine more than Israel. Ukraine is fighting for its very existence; by comparison, the threat to Israel is miniscule.

The confluence of an out-of-control war in the Middle East and Freedom Caucus political sabotage benefits only Russia. If this were a John LeCarre novel, we would soon discover that its secret service, the FSB, was manipulating both Netanyahu and the Freedom Caucus. Given that both Netanyahu and the Freedom Caucus members are all small-minded petty politicians whose only aim in life is power and thus easily susceptible to manipulation, such a plot would make sense. 

Are Netanyahu and the Freedom Caucus in League to Help Putin
By Patrick Theros - January 12, 2024

A visitor from another planet could come to that conclusion. Israel’s war on Gaza has eclipsed coverage of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, drowning out Ukraine’s pleas for more material and financial aid it needs desperately to hold off a neighbor four times larger in population and military material. Scarier, should the war spread to engulf more of the Middle East, Russia would be the primary beneficiary. At the same time, the MAGA wing of the GOP, the self-styled ‘Freedom Caucus’ has worked assiduously to defund American weapon supplies to Ukraine.

Advanced American weaponry has helped Ukraine balance Russia’s enormous numerical advantage in manpower, artillery, and armor. Europe also contributes significantly to Ukraine’s defense but cannot replace the U.S. Its military industrial capacity downsized after the end of the Cold War and will take years to rebuild. MAGA has blocked legislation submitted by the Biden administration to support both Israel ($14 billion) and Ukraine ($60 billion). Israel can manage a temporary cut in the flow of aid from the U.S.; it has an enormous inventory of U.S. weapons granted it over the years as well as access to U.S. military equipment stored in Israel for future contingencies. Ukraine had to start the war from scratch; its forces were equipped almost entirely with older weapons left over from the Cold War. It lacks Israel’s cushion.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s survival depends on keeping the war going indefinitely (or perhaps until Donald Trump regains the White House). Massive demonstrations of unprecedented size were rocking Israeli cities as its people protested what they saw as Netanyahu’s ploy to transform Israel from a democracy to a theocratic regime more akin to the Iran of the Ayatollahs. Netanyahu then dug his hole deeper by refusing to acknowledge that he bore responsibility for the massive intelligence and military failures of October 7, blaming instead Israel’s military and intelligence services. The revelations that Netanyahu had funded Hamas to undermine the Palestinian Authority have further damned him in the eyes of almost all Israelis. Netanyahu is toast as soon as the guns fall silent.

The U.S. government is no longer worried about Hezbollah in Lebanon launching an attack against Israel; the fear now is that Netanyahu will attack Lebanon to keep the war going. At the start of the crisis the U.S. deployed the aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford strike group to the Eastern Mediterranean to deter Hezbollah from attacking Israel. Now the press reports the USS Gerald Ford will return home. This is a subtle but unmistakable signal to Netanyahu; if he attacks Lebanon, he should not expect American support. Hezbollah is a far more formidable foe than Hamas, and Israel would suffer badly without American firepower. Nevertheless, Israeli forces have continued missile and artillery attacks on Lebanon, killing more than a hundred Lebanese, including journalists; even using white phosphorus, a restricted weapon, against civilian targets. Most worryingly, Israel assassinated an important Hamas official residing in downtown Beirut under Hezbollah protection. Although Hezbollah has returned fire, it has done so with great care to avoid causing civilian casualties while its leadership has repeatedly stated it will not join the war unless Israel attacks. President Biden has once again sent Secretary of State Blinken to the region, trying to keep the lid on further expansion as Netanyahu ignores repeated messages to calm things down in Lebanon.

The Gaza war has already spread to another part of the region. Houthi rebels who control much of Yemen have attacked ships in the Red Sea that they claim are heading for Israel. The Houthis are more a nuisance than a threat. Half a dozen U.S. and NATO warships can easily intercept almost anything the Houthis can throw at them. However, the same American neoconservative hawks who brought us the invasion of Iraq are delighted at a chance to start another war; they advocate attacking Houthi launching sites. The Houthis have proven sophisticated and adept, and we will not be able to prevent them from firing missiles. Frustrated, the hawks will likely demand we attack Houthi command centers, troop concentrations, and, of course, the mosques and hospitals that always seem to be collateral damage. The next victim of an American intervention in Yemen would then be Saudi Arabia, which is trying to extricate itself from its seven-year war in Yemen. The big prize for Netanyahu, his ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card, would be to embroil the United States in a shooting war with Iran, a goal he has pursued for years. This would be a gift of unimaginable value to Vladimir Putin. Fighting in the Persian Gulf would disrupt the flow of about a third of the oil and natural gas that the world consumes. Qui Bono? Russia, a major oil and gas exporter that would be delighted to fill the shortfall.

Meanwhile the Freedom Caucus has let military aid bills for both Ukraine and Israel languish to make points on unrelated issues, threatening to weaken Ukraine as it defends itself against Russian attacks. This action harms Ukraine more than Israel. Ukraine is fighting for its very existence; by comparison, the threat to Israel is miniscule.

The confluence of an out-of-control war in the Middle East and Freedom Caucus political sabotage benefits only Russia. If this were a John LeCarre novel, we would soon discover that its secret service, the FSB, was manipulating both Netanyahu and the Freedom Caucus. Given that both Netanyahu and the Freedom Caucus members are all small-minded petty politicians whose only aim in life is power and thus easily susceptible to manipulation, such a plot would make sense. 

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